Vol. 14, No.1, Spring 2009 (#53)

Lydia Davis, Tao Lin, Basho, Susan Sontag, James Agee, Elizabeth Smart, Jeffrey Ford, Simon Pettet, and much more... purchase now


Lydia Davis | interviewed by Leonard Schwartz
Tao Lin | interviewed by Geoffrey Cruickshank-Hagenbuckle


From the Backlist:
By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept | Elizabeth Smart | reviewed by Sharon Mesmer
Susan Sontag: An Appreciation | by Yahia Lababidi

Cover artwork by Fran Herndon


The New Life | by Gary Sullivan 
The Chapbook Corner | by Noah Eli Gordon



A Death in the Family | James Agee | reviewed by Douglas Messerli
Night Work | Thomas Glavinic | reviewed by Jeff Bursey
Apologize, Apologize! | Elizabeth Kelly | reviewed by Andi Diehn
Things That Pass for Love | Allison Amend | reviewed by Amy Halloran
Famous Suicides of the Japanese Empire | David Mura | reviewed by Melissa Slachetka
Chupacabra and the Roswell UFO | Rudolfo Anaya
Creepers | Joanne Dahme | reviewed by William Alexander
A Violent Life | Pier Paolo Pasolini | reviewed by Scott Bryan Wilson
The Well-Built City Trilogy | Jeffrey Ford | reviewed by Kelly Everding
Paper Cities | Ekaterina Sedia, ed. | reviewed by Micaela Morrisette
Cyberabad Days | Ian McDonald | reviewed by Kris Lawson
The Manual of Detection | Jedediah Berry | reviewed by Nick Bredie
The Widening | Carol Moldaw | reviewed by Alyssa Pelish
Laundry | Suzane Adam | reviewed by Kristin Thiel
I Go To Some Hollow | Amina Cain | reviewed by Miranda Mellis
All About Lulu | Jonathan Evison | reviewed by Charles Dodd White


Script & Scribble | Kitty Burns Florey | reviewed by Abby Travis
The Poem’s Heartbeat | Alfred Corn | reviewed by John Herbert Cunningham
Electronic Literature | N. Katherine Hayles | reviewed by Michael Filas
Jewishness and the Human Dimension | Jonathan Boyarin | reviewed by W. C. Bamberger
We, the Anarchists! | Stuart Christie | reviewed by Niels Strandskov
Now the Drum of War | Robert Roper | reviewed by Spencer Dew
If I Am Not for Myself | Mike Marqusee | reviewed by Burke Bindbeutel
Return to the Middle Kingdom | Yuan-tsung Chen | reviewed by Lucas Klein
The Cave of the Yellow Dog | Byambasuren Davaa and Lisa Reisch | reviewed by Lisa Fink
Sex and War | Dr. Malcolm Potts and Thomas Hayden | reviewed by Jim Kozubek
Fugitive Days | Bill Ayers | reviewed by Bob Sommer
Narnia and the Fields of Arbol | Matthew Dickerson and David O’Hara | reviewed by Ryder W. Miller
The Same Man | David Lebedoff | reviewed by Jesse Freedman
The Sorcerer’s Tale | Alec Ryrie | reviewed by Kris Lawson


Hearth | Simon Pettet | reviewed by Mark Terrill
Love on the Streets | Sharon Doubiago | reviewed by Charles Potts
Basho: The Complete Haiku | Matsuo Basho | reviewed by Robert Milo Baldwin
Songbook | Umberto Saba | reviewed by John Bradley
The Cosmopolitan | Donna Stonecipher | reviewed by Alyssa Pelish
All-American Poem | Matthew Dickman | reviewed by Sean Patrick Hill
Night Work | C. E. Perry | reviewed by Carrie Meadows
Secret of Breath | Isabelle Baladine Howald | reviewed by John Jacob
Parish Krewes | Micah Ballard | reviewed by Garrett Caples
Refrains/Unworkings | Paul Foster Johnson | reviewed by Martine Bellen
Oneiromance | Kathleen Rooney | reviewed by C. M. McLean
The Sound Mirror | Andrew Joron | reviewed by Joseph Bradshaw


Tamara Drewe | Posy Simmonds | reviewed by David Kennedy-Logan
The Lagoon | Lilli Carré | reviewed by John Pistelli

VACUM Attachment

Failure | Chris Larson | reviewed by Sean Smuda
Cityscapes & Beruit 1991 (2003) | Gabriele Basilico | reviewed by Deborah Karasov
The Last Photographic Heroes | Gilles Mora | reviewed by Callie Clark-Wiren
Unseen Mendieta | Olga Viso | reviewed by Mason Riddle

To purchase issue #53 using Paypal, click here.

Rain Taxi Print Edition, Vol. 14 No. 1, Spring 2009 (#53) | © Rain Taxi, Inc. 2009